Reivian Berrios Barillas is an assistant professor in the Department of Physical Therapy. She received her master's degree in physical therapy from Marquette University, a doctorate in physical therapy degree from the University of St. Augustine and completed a PhD in Clinical Translational Rehabilitation and Health Sciences from Marquette University. She has practiced physical therapy in the areas of orthopedics and sports medicine for many years and has taught human gross anatomy in a traditional, face-to-face, blended online format. She also served on the executive board of the American Physical Therapy Association's Anatomy Education Special Interest Group (SIG) and currently works on the SIG's first grant committee to fund anatomy education research and their anatomy curriculum committee. She is responsible for teaching courses in the musculoskeletal series for the DPT program.
Representative Publications
Research Interest Summary
Research Interests
Musculoskeletal health services; anatomy education