Main Content:

Welcome to the SHRS Brave Space! 

The purpose of this space is to encourage students to engage in courageous conversations, confront biases and constructively challenge perspectives to build unity. Students will use their own autonomy to engage in dialogue while learning from one another. 

The SHRS Brave Space will officially open for students on the first day of the fall semester, Monday, August 26. 

We fully acknowledge that discomfort and growth often coincide, but by stepping out of our comfort zones, meaningful progress toward inclusivity can be achieved. We envision the SHRS Brave Space as playing a pivotal role in cultivating an environment where diverse voices are not only heard, but are valued as people share their experiences and perspectives without fear of judgment or reprisal. 

If you have any questions or concerns about the transition of the space or meeting relocation, please reach out to Amy Morgan. For any questions or concerns about the SHRS Brave Space in general, please contact Anastasia White.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

What is a brave space? 

A brave space is a supportive place where participants feel comfortable learning, having an equitable voice while honestly sharing in order to grow individually and together. 

Who is the SHRS Brave Space for? 

The SHRS Brave Space is inclusive of all students from all races, ethnicities, nationalities, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, immigration statuses, languages, and lived experiences. 

What is the importance of the SHRS Brave Space? 

The importance of the SHRS Brave Space is to have a space where students can feel protected, respected and authentically be themselves outside of the classroom. 

How can the space be utilized? 

Students can use the space to meet, study or as a place of leisure. If students would like to use this space for a student organization meeting (e.g. SHRS Affinity Groups) or program, then please reach out the Senior Director of Strategic Programs and Services, Anastasia White at to reserve the space.  

Where is the space located? 

The SHRS Brave Space is located in Forbes Tower on the fourth floor in room 4057 right next to the Student Quiet Study room in 4059.  

What are the ground rules of the SHRS Brave Space? 

  1. Respect each other’s personhood and honor the brave space 
  2. Actively listen and engage with each other 
  3. Acknowledge and discuss how dialogue affects us 
  4. Allow yourself to step in and out of dialogue and discourse 
  5. Health and wellness are paramount 

When can students access the SHRS Brave Space? 

Students can access the brave space starting Monday, August 26, 2024. Operating hours will be Monday – Thursday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

Will there be a professional in the SHRS Brave Space to help facilitate conversations? 

There will not be a professional in the space to help facilitate conversation, but students are more than welcome to requests for mediation within the University of Pittsburgh as needed. 

Resources on Brave Spaces and How to Support Dialogue