Our directory of the University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS) provides a comprehensive listing of people, offices, labs and centers dedicated to advancing education, research and clinical practice in health sciences. Whether you’re looking to connect with academic departments, administrative offices or research units, you’ll find the essential contact information and key personnel to assist you in exploring the breadth of SHRS’ innovative programs and services.

Dean's Office

The SHRS Dean’s Office, some department offices, classrooms and several labs are housed in Forbes Tower (FT) located on Atwood and Sennott Streets on Pitt’s Oakland Campus. FT is located directly behind Starbucks on Forbes Avenue. Enter the building on Atwood Street.

Mailing and Shipping Address

University of Pittsburgh – School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS)
Forbes Tower
Fourth Floor, Suite 4019
3600 Atwood Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

GPS Address

This GPS address takes you to the parking garage underneath Forbes Tower:

219 Meyran Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Admissions Mailing Address (For Official Transcripts)

School of Health and Rehab Sciences
4044 Forbes Tower
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Campus Locations

Forbes Tower

The SHRS Dean’s Office, some department offices, classrooms, and several labs are housed in Forbes Tower (FT) located on Atwood and Sennott Streets on Pitt's Oakland Campus. FT is located directly behind Starbucks on Forbes Avenue. Enter the building on Atwood Street.

Dean's Office Mailing Address:

University of Pittsburgh – School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS)
Forbes Tower
Fourth Floor, Suite 4019
3600 Atwood Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Departments and Programs Mailing Addresses:

Communication Science and Disorders:
Forbes Tower
Fifth Floor, Suite 5012
3600 Atwood Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Community Health Services and Rehabilitation Sciences:
Forbes Tower
Sixth Floor, Suite 6065
3600 Atwood Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Counseling and Behavioral Health:
Forbes Tower
Fifth Floor, Suite 5044
3600 Atwood Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Health Information Management:
Forbes Tower
Sixth Floor, Suite 6051
3600 Atwood Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Sports Medicine and Nutrition:
Forbes Tower
Sixth Floor, Suite 6035
3600 Atwood Street 
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Bakery Square

Bakery Square houses the Prosthetics and Orthotics program/labs and labs and office space for Rehabilitation Technology graduate students.

Bakery Square
6425 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Departments and Programs Mailing Addresses:

Rehabilitation Science and Technology:
Bakery Square
Fourth Floor, Suite 401
6425 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Bridgeside Point I

Bridgeside Point I is home to our Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Departments. It also holds classrooms/labs and administrative offices for the Doctor of Chiropractic program and SHRS Research.

Bridgeside Point I
100 Technology Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Departments and Programs Mailing Addresses:

Doctor of Chiropractic (Department of Community Health Services and Rehabilitation Science):
Bridgeside Point I
Fifth Floor, Suite 500
100 Technology Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Occupational Therapy:
Bridgeside Point I
Third Floor, Suite 350
100 Technology Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Physical Therapy:
Bridgeside Point I
Second Floor
100 Technology Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Center for Emergency Medicine

The Emergency Medicine program offices and classrooms are housed in the Center for Emergency Medicine, located on the Oakland campus only a couple blocks from Forbes Tower.

Mailing Address:

Center for Emergency Medicine
Fifth Floor, Suite 500
230 McKee Place
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Murdoch Building_jpg

SHRS' Physician Assistant Studies Department is housed on the second floor of the Murdoch Building on Forbes Avenue in Oakland.

Mailing Address:

Department of Physician Assistant Studies
Murdoch Building
Second Floor
3420 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Rivertech Office Works

The Neuromuscular Research Laboratory (NMRL) is located in this complex on Pittsburgh’s Southside just minutes from campus. It houses motion analysis systems for specific task and sport analyses and features, Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry and a biochemistry laboratory. 

Mailing Address:

Neuromuscular Research Laboratory
3860 South Water Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203

The DPT February Immersion week at The Box in Southside Works
Box Office

Newly renovated building on Pittsburgh’s Southside, right across the river from the offices and classrooms at Bridgeside Point I. 

Houses hybrid immersions and classes for Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant Studies Hybrid Program and classes for the Doctor of Chiropractic program.

424 South 27th Street #300
Pittsburgh, PA 15203