SHRS Affinity Groups aim to increase social support among underrepresented graduate students throughout SHRS disciplines. Established in 2022, this organization fosters community through unity-embedded experiences, conversations and events. SHRS Affinity Groups are committed to improving the graduate student experience by intentionally creating spaces and opportunities for connection.
SHRS Affinity Groups provide opportunities for underrepresented graduate students in SHRS programs to develop supportive relationships and communities based on shared social identities, characteristics or life experiences.
SHRS Affinity Groups envision an inclusive culture within the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, whereby underrepresented graduate students feel respected, valued and their experiences are prioritized.
If you are an SHRS student and interested in joining an affinity group, email us with your phone number and the name of the group you wish to join. We’ll add you to the respective GroupMe.
If you are looking for an affinity group to represent an identity not yet established, please email us and we will collaborate to form your desired affinity group.
* All Affinity Groups are student-led. Activities are determined by the members’ needs and wants.
Pitt Passport required.