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Delaney Hawk is an Enrollment Specialist for the SHRS Marketing, Communications, Recruitment and Enrollment team. Hawk earned their bachelor's degree in anthropology with a minor in Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies at Pitt. Her master's degree is in landscape archaeology, which she studied at the University of Galway in Ireland. Outside of work hours, you're likely to find Hawk out on a walk, visiting the neighborhood cats.

Hawk is the primary enrollment specialist for:

  • Department of Physical Therapy programs:
    • Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Residential and Hybrid Programs
    • Doctor of Physical Therapy/Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering (DPT-PhD)
    • Post-Professional Program in Physical Therapy (MS)

Education & Training

  • Bachelor of Science in anthropology, University of Pittsburgh
  • Master of Science in landscape archaeology, University of Galway