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Two students in a lab classroom, one on the left has her hair braided and is using gloves and a blood pressure machine on the girl on the right who is wearing a white shirt and a navy blue headband.

Two students in the Dietitian Nutritionist program working on their nutrition focused physical exam lab.

The Dietitian Nutritionist Accelerated Master of Science program in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences recently updated its tuition model to accurately reflect program expectations and standards.  

The Dietitian Nutritionist program offers three entry points:  

  1. Accelerated Master of Science for qualified undergraduates 
  2. Post-baccalaureate candidates who received a bachelor’s degree that was not from a didactics program in dietetics (DPD) 
  3. Graduates of a DPD from an accredited institution outside of SHRS  

This newly adopted tuition model will be in effect for the accelerated Master of Science entry point. 

With the new tuition model, the Dietitian Nutritionist program has been converted to 4+1, allowing in-state students to save both time and money! Students who are accepted and enrolled into the accelerated entry point will spend a total of six semesters at SHRS and pay undergraduate tuition and fees for the first four semesters, then pay graduate tuition and fees for their final year (two semesters) in the program. With this model, students can earn both degrees in five years instead of the usual six and may be eligible for undergraduate and graduate financial aid.  

Historically, the program was categorized as a 3+2, but this change was adopted to clarify the financial aid process as students will now be charged the undergraduate tuition rate through their fourth year of enrollment at the University.  

“We are excited to announce this change in effect currently for the Dietitian Nutritionist program,” Program Director Trisha Cousins said. “This conversion to the 4+1 better aligns with other accelerated programs at the University of Pittsburgh and complies with the expectations set by the Office of the Provost.” 


For more information about the Dietitian Nutritionist program, visit our website, or speak with an enrollment specialist at today!