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Hosted by the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences’ (SHRS) Department of Physician Assistant Studies (PAS) and the Pre-Health Resource Center.

What is the panel?

The Multi-Cultural Pre-Health Panel, previously the Black Pre-Health Panel, occurs in the fall and spring semester of each year. This event was initiated by one of the PAS alumni, Deionte Harrilla-Gray, to ensure that minoritized undergraduate students have access to graduate students from the health science programs and professions who represent their identities and lived experiences. 

Why is this important for undergraduate students?

Graduate students from diverse backgrounds share advice about their intended profession and the journey to their current program. During this interdisciplinary event, undergraduate students have the unique opportunity to ask questions about different careers and health science programs in one space. 

Who can attend?

Any undergraduate student is encouraged to attend, but especially those from minoritized backgrounds and those interested in a career in the health sciences. Each panel highlights different programs and careers. Programs, careers and students will be different each time. We encourage you to attend as many as you can! 

When can I attend?


Monday, September 23 6:30-8 p.m. ET
Virtual via Zoom.


The spring 2025 event will be virtual on Zoom. Date and time are to be determined.

Interested in sharing your experience?

Graduate health science students who are interested in representing their field in this panel can reach out to Kathryn Reed, Physician Assistant Studies Assistant Professor and Vice Chair for Equity, Inclusion and Community Engagement:
Information about the upcoming event opportunities will be shared via email.