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This program is no longer accepting students. A Master of Science in Health Informatics program is now available with both on-campus and online options.

All students enrolled in the health information systems concentration are required to complete 41-42 credits. Courses are chosen with an advisor and a Plan of Study will be developed to enable each student to design an in-depth study of Health Informatics taking into account the student’s previous academic preparation and experience.

Most of our courses are only offered once per academic year. If a student fails to successfully complete a course, the student must retake the course the next academic year. Furthermore, this may also prevent the student from registering for the advanced-level courses and delay the date of graduation.

Please also note that you will have a required class that is offered during Summer (view plan of study forms below).

Students will either complete the HIS Plan of Study or the HIS Plan of Study with the RHIA Option.

HIS Plan of Study 

HIS Plan of Study Form

Health Informatics & Foundation Courses (select 29-30 credits)

Health Management Courses (select 6 credits)

* Required Course for All HIS Students 
^ Additionally required courses for students interested in enhanced Security & Privacy content.

Thesis Option (6 credits)

Non-Thesis Option (select 6 credits) - Electives to be taken from above or at other schools within the University.

HIS Plan of Study with the RHIA Option

HIS-RHIA Plan of Studies - Admits Fall 2016

HIS-RHIA Plan of Studies - Admits Fall 2015 thru Summer 2016

Health Informatics & Foundation Courses (23-24 credits)

Health Management Courses (6 credits)

RHIA Option (11 credits)

Electives/Additional Coursework

* Required Courses for RHIA Option Students  
^Undergraduate courses do not count towards the 41 required graduate credits. These courses can be taken prior to admission or while enrolled in the program.


Please Note:  All students are required to take at least 30 credits within SHRS.  

**A Comprehensive Examination is required and should be scheduled by the advisor and student.**

Students should be aware that many internship sites have requirements that must be met before the student can participate in the internship.