An important component of the University of Pittsburgh Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Hybrid offering is the integration of immersive laboratory sessions within each of the first five terms of the program.
During the lab “immersions” students are required to travel to Pittsburgh and the University of Pittsburgh campus twice per semester to participate in intensive laboratory sessions. The length of the immersions varies by term and range from six to nine days.
Lab immersions engage students in a variety of activities that allow for the practice, refinement and mastery of critical psychomotor skills previously discussed within the context of semester courses.
Immersions also provide hybrid DPT students an opportunity to collaborate in learning with their peers, faculty and invited clinical experts.
Students have the option to attend open labs during the immersion experience where they can practice their skills with peers and have access to an instructor or teaching assistant to clarify any questions they may have.
Click here for more about Pitt’s Hybrid DPT Hybrid program through the eyes of a current student.