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Pitt Athletic Training alumna Autumn Pisano standing on the sidelines of a football game
A woman practices walking with crutches while another woman on her left instructs her on the correct technique.
Man with short red hair wearing a gray collared shirt and brown glasses.
A woman with blonde hair holding a green teddy bear that wears a Thoracic-Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis around its torso.
A group of men and women standing together outside in front of a Birmingham Free Clinic sign.
A woman with auburn hair wearing a black face mask and a tan shirt sits at a desk writing with a pen with a computer monitor in front of her where a woman with dark hair and a scarf is speaking.
Woman with dark brown hair clipped in the back wearing glasses and a black long sleeve shirt holding a tablet while looking onward.
A woman with light brown skin and long brown curly hair stands and reaches out to a student with a bandage on their left arm
Faculty and students from the Future Health Care Provider Outreach Program