Home | Safety
Providing all students with the tools and resources to keep themselves and others safe while studying at SHRS.
If you witness suspicious activity in Forbes Tower, call security immediately (whether it’s during or after business hours). Then call the Dean’s Office to report the incident. Also, no one should be soliciting inside any Pitt spaces.
Please keep all valuables locked at all times. If you have something stolen in Forbes Tower, contact both Pitt Police and UPMC Security. Then contact the Dean’s Office to report the incident.
Students with special needs or a disability that require accommodations in the event of a building evacuation should e-mail the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) at safety@ehs.pitt.edu to request the development of an individualized evacuation plan. A representative of this office will contact you for specific information. You should also inform your course instructor that you are requesting accommodations for an evacuation.
Pitt Passport required.
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