Main Content:
Celeste Small
Department of Physical Therapy
Rebecca Smith
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Leslie Smychynsky
Department of Physical Therapy
Natalie Sorek
Department of Physical Therapy
Patrick Sparto
Vice Chair for Faculty Affairs, Department of Physical Therapy | Co-Director and Professor, DPT-PhD in Bio-Engineering
Department of Physical Therapy
Tracy Spitz
Department of Physical Therapy
Marcia Spoto
Department of Physical Therapy
Andrew Sprague
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Kristyn Sprague
Department of Physical Therapy
Amanda Stauder
Department of Physical Therapy
Nick Stephenson
Department of Physical Therapy
Joel Stevans
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Jennifer Stone
Department of Physical Therapy
Meenakshi Sundaram
Research Assistant, PhD Student
Department of Physical Therapy
Shuhei Suzuki
Department of Physical Therapy
Kaitlin Sweeney
Research Assistant
(412) 624-1463
Department of Physical Therapy
William Tellin
Department of Physical Therapy
Jackie Thomas
Department of Physical Therapy
David Thompson
Department of Physical Therapy
Keri Tkatch
Department of Physical Therapy
Phil Toal
Department of Physical Therapy
Jared Todorowski
Department of Physical Therapy
Valerio Tonelli Enrico
PhD Student, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Cara Troutman-Enseki
Department of Physical Therapy
Michael Turnwald
Department of Physical Therapy
Jessie VanSwearingen
Department of Physical Therapy
Chris Venus
Department of Physical Therapy
Bonnie Virag
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Debra Voss
Department of Physical Therapy
Jenni Wakeman
Department of Physical Therapy
Kim Welk
Department of Physical Therapy
David Wert
Vice Chair of Doctor of Physical Therapy Education and Associate Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Susan Whitney
Co-Director and Professor, Physical Therapy Post-Professional MS Program
Department of Physical Therapy
Ashley Williams
Department of Physical Therapy
Lauren Williams
Department of Physical Therapy
Dave Wortman
Department of Physical Therapy
Terri Wubben
Department of Physical Therapy
Kelly Yoder-Jones
Department of Physical Therapy
John Zanardelli
Department of Physical Therapy
Hallie Zeleznik
Associate Professor and Vice Chair for Clinical Education
Department of Physical Therapy
Georgianne Zimmermann
Department of Physical Therapy