Main Content:
Erica Coffey
Department of Physical Therapy
Kaitlyn Colgan
Department of Physical Therapy
Shane Conley
Department of Physical Therapy
Melissa Cox
Department of Physical Therapy
Sean Crandell
Department of Physical Therapy
Caitlyn Crawford
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Lauren Curatolo
Department of Physical Therapy
Megan Dalzell
Department of Physical Therapy
Nicola Deacon
Department of Physical Therapy
William Defoyd
Department of Physical Therapy
Trevor Delaney
Department of Physical Therapy
Ronna Delitto
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Anthony Delitto
Dean, SHRS, and Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Ronna Delitto
Department of Physical Therapy
Alicia Demchak
Department of Physical Therapy
Joni DiFonso
Department of Physical Therapy
William DiLeonardo
Department of Physical Therapy
Taylor Docherty
Department of Physical Therapy
Sierra Downum-Meyers
Department of Physical Therapy
Courtney Dube
Department of Physical Therapy
Erin Dufort
Department of Physical Therapy
Pam Dunlap
Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Allison Ebert
Department of Physical Therapy
Keelan Enseki
Department of Physical Therapy
Alexa Epstein
Department of Physical Therapy
Joe Everhart
Department of Physical Therapy
Shawn Farrokhi
Department of Physical Therapy
Lauren Farver
Department of Physical Therapy
Sebastian Fearon
Department of Physical Therapy
Jacob Fine
Department of Physical Therapy
Barb Finley-Schiavone
Department of Physical Therapy
Nina Fisher
Department of Physical Therapy
G. Kelley Fitzgerald
Emeritus Faculty
Department of Physical Therapy
Meghan Flanigan
Department of Physical Therapy
Corey S. Flynn
Research Coordinator
Department of Physical Therapy
Drew Fogg
Department of Physical Therapy
Damon Formaini
Department of Physical Therapy
Jenny Forrester
Department of Physical Therapy
Lisa Franz
Department of Physical Therapy
Janet Freburger
Department of Physical Therapy
Joseph Furman
Department of Physical Therapy
Shilpa Gaikwad
Associate Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Jessica Galey
Department of Physical Therapy
Michael Gans
Department of Physical Therapy
Patrick Garvey
Department of Physical Therapy
Adam Gaupp
Research Coordinator
(412) 383-0742
Department of Physical Therapy
Susan George
Department of Physical Therapy
Alexandra Gil
Associate Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Michael Gilbert
Department of Physical Therapy
Amy Gisler
Department of Physical Therapy