Man with short brown hair and beard. Wearing glasses and a black jacket.

5046 Forbes Tower Pittsburgh, PA 15260


William S. Evans has practiced clinically as an outpatient speech-language pathologist specializing in the areas of aphasia and cognitive rehabilitation.

At the University of Pittsburgh, he directs the Language Rehab and Cognition Lab and is a member of the multi-PI Pittsburgh Translational Aphasia Research Initiative. He is also a faculty co-advisor of the Pitt National Student Speech Language Hearing Association.

His funded aphasia rehabilitation research focuses on the areas of counseling and adaptive computer-based language treatment. This research program relies on a number of approaches and techniques including aphasia community engagement and co-design, inter-professional collaboration, gamification and computational modeling.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Psychology, University of Massachusetts
  • Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology, Boston University,
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Boston University
  • Clinical Fellowship in Speech-Language Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Postdoctoral fellowship in Aphasiology and Advanced Geriatrics, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System
  • Distinguished Scholar Award, Tavistock Trust for Aphasia, 2020
  • Fellow, Academy of Aphasia, 2020
  • ASHFoundation New Century Scholars Doctoral Scholarship, 2013
Research Interests
  • Aphasia rehabilitation
  • Counseling and mental health for stroke survivors with aphasia, adaptive computer-based treatment, therapeutic aphasia games
Professional Organization Appointments
  • Language Section Editor. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
  • Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology (CCC-SLP)