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Tamra Pelleschi is an Occupational Therapist who has been practicing in the field of Occupational Therapy since 1985. Pelleschi is the Program Manager at the Center for Assistive and Rehabilitative Technology (CART) located at the Hiram G. Andrews Center. CART offers comprehensive assistive technology interventions and services to people with disabilities. In this role, she is responsible for developing and implementing new service delivery models. In her current clinical and academic positions, Pelleschi works closely with government and third-party organizations to develop funding policies and measures for assessing need and appropriateness of assistive technology interventions. She is the co-author of several textbook chapters on Assistive Technology.

Research Interests
  • Telerehabilitation as an assistive technology service and delivery model 
  • Certified Assistive Technology Professional 
  • Certified Environmental Access Consultant, CEAC