Bald man wearing a dark gray suit jacket over a gray and white collared shirt and a black tie.

Patrick Reitz collaborates with Associate Dean for Research Elizabeth Skidmore to develop and facilitate sponsored research across SHRS departments and labs. He facilitates productive research collaboration among SHRS departments and with external partners; provides additional administrative and logistical support to identify novel funding opportunities and coordinate proposals; develops and provides resources to SHRS departments that promote scientific success and faculty career development; builds faculty and staff knowledge of best research practices and research administration and works to streamline overall research operations within SHRS.

Reitz has 25 years of experience in academic research as a staff member at both UPMC and the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to joining SHRS, he was Division Administrator for Research in Pitt’s Division of General Internal Medicine (GIM), where he managed all research faculty, staff and finances for the division’s research enterprise. He also served for 10 years as the Administrative Director of the Institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE), where he led the development of ICRE’s administrative infrastructure as it rapidly expanded and gained valuable knowledge of career development principles and programs.

  • Master’s Degree in Social History, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Certified Research Administrator