Woman with blonde hair wearing light brow glasses and a green collared shirt over a black blouse.

6074 Forbes Tower Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Mary Murray has been a faculty member since 2010. With a prolonged career in academic and clinical settings, she has served as a faculty member in sports medicine and athletic training programs.

Murray teaches courses in musculoskeletal assessment, injury prevention, pathokinesiology and professional development. She plays a pivotal role on various thesis and scholarly paper committees, guiding students through their research endeavors. Murray is passionate about helping graduate students navigate and master the research process, guiding them in developing their own projects and fostering their skills in conducting rigorous and impactful research.

Her participation on professional committees not only enhances her mentoring capabilities but models a path of professional development for students in the field. Her experience with mentorship and committee involvement allows her to provide students with invaluable insights and opportunities, fostering their growth as competent professionals and contributing to the advancement of their careers.

  • Bachelor of Science, University of Pittsburgh
  • Master of Arts, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • Doctor of Education, Seton Hall University
Research Interests
  • Centered on survey research and the methodologies that reinforce effective data collection and analysis
  • Mulkey EK, Neil ER, Cousins T, Murray M. The Lived Clinical Experiences of Expatriate Athletic Trainers. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. 2024 Jul 03;22(3), Article 26.
  • Hawthorne ML, Fetchen DiCesaro S, Lovalekar M, Murray ME. An Assessment of the Impact of Secondary School Demographics on Athletic Training Services in Pennsylvania. Poster presented at: Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers’ Society Annual Symposium; June, 8 2024; Harrisburg, PA.
  • Martin M, Lovalekar M, Murray ME, Allison K. Examining RED-S Knowledge & Current Practices in Coaches and Athletic Trainers of Adolescent Female Athletes. Poster presented at: Pennsylvania Athletic Trainers’ Society Annual Symposium; June, 8 2024; Harrisburg, PA.
Professional Organization Appointments
  • PATS Educators Committee
  • EATA Educational Summit Committee
  • SHRS Academic Integrity Hearing Board
  • American Red Cross
    • BLS and Professional Rescuer Instructor
  • American College of Surgeons
    • Stop the Bleed Instructor