Woman with blonde hair wearing a green and white checkered blouse.

5034 Forbes Tower Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Laura Dietz has been a faculty member in SHRS since 2019 and teaches our graduate students and supervises internship students.  Dietz also works with students in conducting psychological evaluations for the Public Safety Department at UPMC. Her passion for teaching comes from her own love of learning and experience as a first-generation college student. She loves to teach students the theory and research that goes into being a mental health professional and evidence-based strategies to become excellent licensed professional mental health counselors.

For the past 15 years, Dietz has developed, manualized and tested the efficacy and putative treatment mechanisms of Family Based Interpersonal Psychotherapy (FB-IPT) for Depressed Preadolescents. She trains clinicians in Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents (IPT-A) and FB-IPT, both nationally and internationally. She is the primary investigator on two pilot studies, one that seeks to train religious leaders/health paraprofessionals in communities of color to deliver evidence-based bereavement counseling and one that seeks to train and establish family navigators to help kinship caregivers in rural communities’ access mental health and resources for the dependent children in their care.

  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh
  • Pre-doctoral Internship, Children’s Memorial Hospital, Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Post-doctoral Internship, Western Psychiatric Institute & Clinic, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine


Research Interests
  • Study of family risk factors for depression
  • Development of psychosocial interventions for mood disorders in youths, specifically Family Based Interpersonal Psychotherapy (FB-IPT) for Depressed Preadolescents
  • Developing, implementing and evaluating community engaged interventions to increase access to mental health care in under-resourced communities
Professional Organization Appointments
  • Vice President/President Elect, International Society for Interpersonal Psychotherapy (ISIPT)
  • Dietz, L.J., Weinberg, R.B., & Mufson, L.  (2018) Programs that Work:  Family Based Interpersonal Psychotherapy (FB-IPT) for Depressed Preadolescents.  New York:  Oxford University Press.
  • Dietz, L.J., Cyranowski, J.M., Fladeboe, K.M., Kelly, M.A.R, Pilkonis, P.A., Butt, Z., Salsman, J.M., & Cella, D (2021).   Assessing Aspects of Social Relationships in Youth Across Middle Childhood and Adolescence:  The NIH Toolbox Pediatric Social Relationship Scales.  Journal of Pediatric Psychology
  • Dietz, L. J., Kulzer, J. L., & Kondis, P. (2022). Developing a personalized self-care curriculum for graduate students in the health sciences. Nursing & health sciences, 10.1111/nhs.13010.
  • Licensed clinical psychologist in Pennsylvania