Woman with brown hair wearing a black top with yellow flowers.

Bridgeside Point I, 100 Technology Drive, Suite 350 Pittsburgh, PA 15219


Kimberly Krebs has a clinical background in pediatric practice in a range of settings, including early intervention, schools, pediatric mental health, sensory integration and feeding therapy. Krebs is an international board-certified lactation consultant and has advanced training in sensory integration through the University of Southern California. She is involved in academic advising and mentoring capstone students.

  • Bachelor of Science, University of Southern California
  • Master of Arts, University of Southern California
  • Doctor of Occupational Therapy, University of Southern California
Research Interests
  • Artificial Intelligence in occupational therapy education and practice
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration in postpartum support
  • Expansion of occupational therapy into community-based and role-emerging practice areas
  • Board Certification in pediatrics, American Occupational Therapy Association