Woman with short, curly black hair wearing a purple blouse.

359 Bridgeside Point I 100 Technology Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15219


Joanne Baird is privileged to share her extensive experience with mental health, pediatric and geriatric populations across the health care continuum in national and regional sites. She has wanted to be an occupational therapist since she was in middle school and continues to be excited about this profession. Knowing that everyone learns differently, her focus is on presenting information in many ways and providing supportive opportunities to practice hands-on skills through simulation so that students learn not just what to do, but why and how to do it.  She is dedicated to fostering future professionals and is the faculty advisor for the pre-occupational therapy organization at the University of Pittsburgh.

  • Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, University of Pittsburgh
  • Master of Arts in Occupational Therapy, University of Southern California
  • PhD in Rehabilitation Science, University of Pittsburgh
  • Inaugural Fellow and Distinguished Scholar, National Academies of Practice for Promotion and Advocacy of Quality Healthcare Accessible for All
  • Dean’s Distinguished Teaching Award, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, for Strong Teaching Philosophy and Innovative Educational Opportunities
  • Roster of Fellows, American Occupational Therapy Association, for Pioneering Best-Practice Simulation in Occupational Therapy
Research Interests
  • Forensic medical record review
  • Analysis and experiential learning
  • The use of simulation to promote clinical reasoning and preparation for entry-level competence
Professional Organization Appointments
  • Founder, Rehabilitation Affinity Group, Society for Simulation in Healthcare
  • Vice-chair, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State Board of Occupational Therapy Education and Licensure, Bureau of Professional & Occupational Affairs
  • Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator