Woman with short blonde hair wearing a white turtleneck sweater.

Jenna B. Goulart started her PhD program in fall of 2023. She works under Bradley Nindl in the Neuromuscular Research Laboratory where she is studying bone physiology and endocrinology.

She chose Pitt’s PhD’s program because the Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition offered flexibility in choosing courses that fit niches interests.

Goulart enjoys working in the NMRL for unique opportunities to investigate a full range of scientific inquiry from the molecular, basic science level to an applied and systems level all within one lab. Her current work is focused on how different circulating factors in combination with systemic factors work to promote bone adaptation and the reciprocal effect bone can have on surrounding tissues. The work they are doing at the NMRL is largely focused on military populations. The research will provide direct guidance on musculoskelal injury prevention and human performance optimization for military leaders.

After graduating, she hopes to begin a post-doc to further specialize and develop her skillset. Her ultimate goal is to become a professor at an R-1 university where she can lead her own lab to investigate bone physiology.

  • Bachelor of Science in nutrition and dietetics, Auburn University
  • Master of Science in nutrition, Texas A&M University
Research Interests
  • Bone physiology
  • Metabolism
  • How endocrine function is related to bone health
  • Mahmood, T., Schmidt-Combest, S. E., Goulart, J., Castellón Chicas, M. J., Smith, S., Talcott, S., Riechman, S. E., & Mertens-Talcott, S. U. (2024). Daily Mango Consumption Impact Cognitive Function in Adolescents: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Controlled Study. Current Developments in Nutrition, 8, 102676. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cdnut.2024.102676
  • Beathard, K. M., Georghiades, N., Goulart, J. B., Riviere, A. J., Sullivan, C., Mascarro, M., & Riechman, S. E. (2023). The impact of nutrition on visual cognitive performance in the nutrition, vision, and cognition in sport study. Frontiers in Nutrition, 10, 1208890. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2023.1208890
  • Goulart, J. B., Aitken, L. S., Siddiqui, S., Cuevas, M., Cardenas, J., Beathard, K. M., & Riechman, S. E. (2023). Nutrition, lifestyle, and cognitive performance in esport athletes. Frontiers in Nutrition, 10, 1120303. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2023.1120303
Professional Organization Appointments
  • American College of Sports Medicine