Woman with dark brown curly hair wearing a navy blue blazer over a yellow top.

5044 Forbes Tower Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Chandra Carey is a counselor-educator and scholar-activist who has made a career-long focus on investigating issues affecting persons of color with disabilities. She has published over 35 manuscripts, completed over 60 research presentations and has over $9MIL in grants to support research, education and training. Carey is committed to community-engaged research that influences policy and practice in the field. As a parent to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, her professional and personal lives have intersected, renewing her vigor to ensure that future generations of counseling professionals are culturally responsive, highly competent and dedicated to providing equitable behavioral healthcare services.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Wittenberg University
  • Master of Science in Rehabilitation Counseling, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Counselor Education, Michigan State University
  • Research Award, Texas Rehabilitation Association, 2019
  • Fellow, National Association for Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns, 2018
Research Interests
  • Health equity for historically marginalized communities
  • Multicultural responsiveness training in rehabilitation counselor education and practice and professional development for providers in medically underserved areas
  • Health-seeking behaviors and mental health care for caregivers of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Post-secondary education outcomes for individuals with intellectual disabilities
  • Examining integrated care and behavioral health disparities for minoritized communities
  • Heck, J. E., He, D., Wing, S.E., Beate, R., Carey, C.D., Yang, J… Wu, A.H., (2024). Exposure to outdoor ambient air toxics and risk of breast cancer: The Multiethnic Cohort. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 259, 114362.
  • Benavides, A., Nodeland, B., Carey, C.D., & Tu, W. M. (2023) “Justice System Involvement, Employment, and Homelessness in Rural Areas“. The International Journal of Rural Criminology, 8(1), 1-24. DOI:
  • Carey, C. D., Rogers, L. G., Pitt, J. S., Robertson, S. L. & Browne, R. (2023). Beyond  multicultural counseling competencies: An anti-oppression framework for counselors. In K. B. Wilson, S. Chao & T. Andrews. (Eds.)., Enhancing Social Justice, Service Delivery, and Advocacy Through Multicultural Counseling Competencies. IGI Global.
Professional Organization Appointments
  • Co-founder, North Texas Center for Racial Ethnic Equity in Health and Society (CREEHS)
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Rehabilitation Counseling Research & Practice 
  • Advisory Board Member, Project Focus on the Underserved in Transition Using Rehabilitation and Education
  • Certified Rehabilitation Counselor