Jackson-Coty graduated from Arcadia University with her MSPT and Temple University with her transitional DPT. She is an APTA board certified pediatric clinical specialist, a certified clinical instructor, and a credentialed clinical trainer for the APTA Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program. She practiced as a clinician at Jefferson Health System in pediatrics and in the interprofessional adult hemophilia clinic. Her experience includes her role as a clinician and a team leader at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for outpatient practice and interprofessional diagnosis specific clinics. She has served the profession as an item writer for the American Board of Physical Therapist Specialties (ABPTS) and a member of the common terminology workgroup for the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT). She has participated in research focused on the management of myelomeningocele and early identification of children who are at risk for developmental delay in low resource areas of the world.
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