Barbara Vento is the AuD Externship Coordinator and the Director of CSD Graduate Admissions. Prior to accepting her current position at the University of Pittsburgh, she worked as a clinical audiologist with patients of all ages from newborn infants to geriatric patients. Current academic responsibilities include teaching graduate courses, clinical education of audiology students and mentoring of AuD research projects. Additional responsibilities include Faculty Advisor for the Student Academy of Audiology. Areas of interest include theoretic and clinical applications of otoacoustic emissions, improving communication for elderly and higher education pedogogy. She is currently mentoring student research comparing FMDPOAE to standard puretone stimuli. Professionally, Vento has participated in several committees for the American Academy of Audiology, ASHA and the Council of Academic Programs in CSD (CAPCSD). She is currently a member of the ASHA Student Readiness Working Group for AuD Clinical Education, the AAA Convention planning committee and the CSDCAS Advisory Committee for CAPCSD.
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