Ali Lewandowski was instantly drawn to the field of Speech-Language Pathology after taking “CSD 1230 Introduction to Speech-Language Pathology” at the University of Pittsburgh. Determined to work specifically in the field of voice and upper airway disorders, Lewandowski was trained at the UPMC Voice Center where she worked clinically for six years prior to transitioning into academia. The Voice Center is where Lewandowski developed a passion for clinical teaching, and she continues to serve as a clinical supervisor for speech-language pathology graduate students. In her current role as the Director for the Undergraduate Communication Science program, she recruits, teaches and advises undergraduate students who are interested in a variety of careers in the field of Communication Science and Disorders. Lewandowski is also involved with various outreach efforts in partnership with both the Voice Center and the SHRS Wellness Pavilion at the Homewood Community Engagement Center. She enjoys supporting opportunities for students to share what they are learning in their academic and experiential settings to educate and inspire community members about communication disorders.
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