One of SHRS’ most passionate faculty members and dedicated alumni leaders was honored during the 2024 fall Homecoming Week and Health Sciences Alumni Weekend. Pamela Toto, director of the University of Pittsburgh Doctor of Clinical Science in Occupational Therapy program and Healthy Home Lab, was awarded the 2024 ROC Spirit Award from the Pitt Alumni Association (PAA) in recognition of her outstanding enthusiasm, loyalty, pride and Pitt spirit.
“The ROC Spirit Award to me is really about the institution that shaped me into the adult and productive citizen that I’ve become. I’m honored to receive this award. It means the world to me. When I look out of my office, I see a city that I love. I’m proud of this University and it’s also a tribute to all I’ve been able to achieve by attending the University of Pittsburgh. I’ve decked my office out in Pitt gear because it makes me feel happy and we’ve run out of space in our home.”
– Pamela Toto
Toto was nominated by Department of Occupational Therapy Assistant Professor Kelsey Voltz-Poremba, an alumna of Pitt OT and one of Toto’s former students, who created a video montage set to “Sweet Caroline” showcasing photos of Toto across the years with her Pitt Athletics fanatic family, and her commitment to inspiring Pitt pride in the next generation of students.
“It’s easy to think that this award is about the physical things like the Pitt memorabilia or attire—which I know Pam is proud of—but to me it was more about her embodiment of the spirit of the University. She is more than just a fan, she really is an ambassador of the University. As a professional, Pam has always challenged me to be the best occupational therapist I could be, but personally I can say that Pam has inspired me to LOVE the University of Pittsburgh more than I ever thought I would when I started my undergraduate journey here 13 years ago.
– Kelsey Voltz-Poremba
“I came to Pitt because I knew I would get a good education, but now nearly 15 years later I have not only received an amazing education, but I have gained friends who are now like family to celebrate the highs and lows of what it means to be a Pitt fan. I am honored to have Pam in my life and part of my Pitt family, and to inspire me both professionally and personally daily.”
For Toto’s award, the Pittsburgh Alumni Association developed this video highlighting her incomparable Pitt spirit.
“Pam has an infectious energy that creates the most welcoming atmosphere for all students in the Pitt community! She is supportive, kind, and unwavering in her commitment towards Pitt OT.”
– Liann Ching, OTD ‘24
In addition to a celebratory dinner with University leadership and other alumni award winners over Homecoming Week, Toto was also recognized on the field of the Pitt football Homecoming game in front of thousands of her colleagues, students and fans.

“Pam shows up every day with energy, passion, creativity and curiosity and she inspires me to do the same with my patients! Pam brings that same passion and energy to her Panther Pride and she inspires that feeling in me, too. I’m proud to be a Pitt Panther, in no small part because I’m proud to cheer for the same side as Pam!”
– Meg Weckstein, OTD ‘25
SHRS is proud of Toto’s ROC Spirit Award that adds a special (blue and gold!) crown to her academic and research achievements and the leadership she bestows on so many students eager to launch their careers under her guidance.
“I’ve never had a professor talk about the university they teach at the way that Pam does. Her energy and excitement about all things Pitt-related is truly infectious! She’s got her finger on the pulse—she knows everything that’s going on at Pitt and always looks for ways to get students connected and involved in what is going on. Pam embodies everything that the ROC Spirit Award represents!”
– Jules Forzano, OTD ‘24