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Our school is committed to action-oriented and evidence-based policies to address health inequity and access to services to create a more welcoming, accessible and inclusive space for our students, faculty, staff and community partners.
The School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS) Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement team aims to increase health equity across all aspects of our SHRS programs to impactfully reduce health disparities in clinical learning and practice while simultaneously improving engagement efforts that benefit our community and the institution.
Data has shown that systemic problems require complex solutions, and we are dedicated to developing and implementing those solutions to create not only a more equitable academic environment but also a more equitable health care system, which can be done through the education of the next generation of health care providers and leaders.
We strive to be an inclusive community of learners, partners and leaders dedicated to the preparation of health and rehabilitation professionals in the pursuit of health equity that improves lives and positively adds to our vibrant communities.
With great joy, I welcome you to the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS) and our Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement. We envision a welcoming and inclusive community of learners, research scientists, health care providers and changemakers within our faculty, staff, students and administration. We are dedicated to creating and sustaining a shared sense of respect and belonging for all. An inclusive community is key to advancing the health sciences that will benefit our generation and beyond.
Our office is continuously working to establish a culture of belonging and embracing all of our shared values at SHRS by creating, implementing and supporting the following initiatives to increase knowledge of community-based health through empathy and understanding and resources to support you on your journey:
We work with Primary Care Health Services in Homewood to provide wrap-around clinical services at the SHRS Wellness Pavilion that started in Spring 2024 (see more below).
We are honored to support each and every one of you here at SHRS.
Nancy Gauvin
Associate Dean of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement
We are committed to celebrating and embracing a variety of lived experiences across the health sciences by educating administration, faculty, staff and students on how to foster equal access to health care and strengthen community engagement efforts across the city of Pittsburgh, regionally and on a global scale.
We envision SHRS to be at the forefront of creating and sustaining a thriving united community for administration, faculty, staff and students that celebrates the unique talents across SHRS to improve health care for all people in society.
As a school, we are privileged to enjoy all the resources of the University of Pittsburgh and its affiliation with world-class health care institutions such as the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. With this privilege comes responsibility and a commitment to using our expertise to serve members of our community.
Because we are a school that educates health care providers from a variety of disciplines, we have the capacity and the knowledge to support and complement health care institutions in the area by coordinating wellness and outreach activities for targeted populations of people. We routinely provide community-based exercise programs for older adults in nursing facilities, nutrition counseling for children and families in schools and other venues, blood pressure screenings in underserved neighborhoods, and routine foot exams for people with diabetes.
Find where SHRS faculty and students are serving our communities, near and far, through the University’s interactive Engagement and Outreach Map.
The SHRS Wellness Pavilion is a student-led community space that offers person-centered inter-professional services and programs that aim to improve, maintain and promote the health and wellness of Homewood residents and surrounding communities, across the lifespan.
The Wellness Pavilion Clinic initiative, a partnership with Primary Care Health Services, aims to further support the health and well-being of the surrounding Homewood community.
The Wellness Pavilion Clinic offers a range of clinical and rehabilitation therapy services for free. The services are administered by SHRS program faculty and students training to become clinicians in their fields.
A brave space is a supportive place where participants feel comfortable learning, having an equitable voice while honestly sharing in order to grow individually and together.
It is inclusive of all students from all races, ethnicities, nationalities, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, immigration statuses, languages and lived experiences.
The purpose of this space is to encourage students to engage in courageous conversations, confront biases and constructively challenge perspectives to build unity. Students will use their own autonomy to engage in dialogue while learning from one another.
We fully acknowledge that discomfort and growth often coincide, but by stepping out of our comfort zones, meaningful progress toward inclusivity can be achieved. We envision the SHRS Brave Space as playing a pivotal role in cultivating an environment where diverse voices are not only heard but are valued as people share their experiences and perspectives without fear of judgment or reprisal.
The Brave Space is located on the fourth floor of Forbes Tower in room 4057 right next to the Student Quiet Study room. Operating hours are Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Using the Space
Students can use the space to meet, study or as a place of leisure. If students would like to use this space for a student organization meeting (e.g. SHRS Affinity Groups) or program, then please reach out the Senior Director of Strategic Programs and Services Anastasia White at ajw144@pitt.edu to reserve the room.
Check out events offered by the University, school and Wellness Pavilion. These events offer ways to get involved on campus, at SHRS or in the community.
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© Copyright 2024 | University of Pittsburgh | School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences