Home | New Building for SHRS
Currently, SHRS programs and labs are housed in seven buildings across Pittsburgh. The Fifth and Halket location will consolidate three of SHRS’ buildings, all along Forbes Avenue, bringing most of SHRS’ 30+ programs under one roof. This is the school’s first building that will be specifically and strategically designed to meet SHRS’ immediate and future needs with modernized teaching facilities, especially for those programs currently occupying Forbes Tower and McKee Place. Modernization will not just be in classroom technology, but also in the clinical training facilities where students will work with state-of-the-art equipment.
The building will also be a hub for SHRS interprofessional education opportunities for all SHRS students, including those in programs at Bakery Square, Bridgeside Point, the Neuromuscular Research Lab (NMRL), the Southside Works Box Office and other locations.
In addition to the academic programs, our Dean’s Offices will also be headquartered in the new location. This will give staff, like those in Student Affairs and the Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement, direct access to more students, making us able to better gauge the services and resources necessary to benefit all SHRS students.
The location will bring together:
The building is tentatively scheduled for completion by December 2025.
SHRS will be the primary occupant on floors three through eight. The 159,000 square feet building has gone through an extensive stakeholder design process to meet current and future needs for all didactic and clinical environments including state-of-the-art classrooms, simulation space and dry labs.
The University Office of Facilities Management will work with SHRS to seek Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold Certification, supporting the University’s pledge to become carbon neutral by 2037.
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