
Pitt’s Department of Communication Science and Disorders is making an impact on clinical best practices through exceptional academic programs and interdisciplinary research collaborations. Studying the processes of human language, speech, voice, swallowing, hearing and balance, and delving into the nature of these disorders, and how to evaluate, manage and prevent them.

Renowned faculty collaborate with like-minded scientists in other disciplines at the University and beyond. State-of-the-art research laboratories foster team-based science that leads to novel treatments and interventions that improve patient outcomes.

Students actively participate in clinical fieldwork—serving patients from newborns to the elderly—finding new ways to tap the human potential to absorb and express ideas. Upon graduation, they are ready to assume leadership roles in universities, hospitals, long-term care facilities, schools and rehabilitation centers, as well as private practice.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to be a model program driving the generation, dissemination and application of knowledge in the science and practice of audiology and speech-language pathology.

Vision Statement

We are a nationally and internationally recognized program in the training of audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and speech and hearing scientists and provide opportunities for trainees to become leaders in clinical service, education, research and service to the professions.

Strategic Plan

The stated or implied mission, goals, and objectives expressed above reflect on-going efforts and forward-looking plans toward further development of the CSD Department and its programs, as reflected in the department’s strategic plan.

Student Achievement Data

Our professional degree programs in Audiology (AuD) and Speech-Language Pathology (MA; MS) are highly ranked by U.S. News & World Report.

Additionally, our graduates are successful in passing their national board examinations (praxis) at the end of their program and becoming employed.

Click the links below for a summary of our program completion and employment rates and successful completion of national examinations by our students.




4 years
(11 terms, including 3 summer terms)

Program Start:

Fall term (August)

Application Closes:

January 15, 2025

Submitting applications by December 15 is strongly recommended to allow time for the verification process.



2 years
(5-6 terms, including 1 summer term)

Program Start:

Fall term (August)

Application Closes:

January 15, 2026

Submitting the application by December 15 is strongly recommended to allow time for the verification process.





Program Start:

Fall term (August)

Application Closes:

May 1, 2025


Application Closes:

January 15, 2026



2 years
(4 terms)

Program Start:

Fall term (August)

Application Closes:

March 1, 2025

Application extended through March 31, 2025


Explore the available scholarships offered by the department.

The Emeritus Award

The Emeritus Award was established in 2002 from an endowment funded by an emeritus CSD faculty member. This award recognizes outstanding academic achievement. Students are nominated by faculty members for each award year. The competition begins in the Fall Term.

The Audrey Holland Endowed Award

The Audrey Holland Endowed Award is designated to support undergraduate and graduate students to design and conduct research in the Department of Communication Science and Disorders. The awardee may use the award for research related supplies and equipment, subject participation, statistical support, travel to present research findings, and other related items. Students self-nominate for this award.

Audrey Holland, long time Pitt CSD supporter and noted Aphasia clinician/researcher, will be missed by her Pitt family.


The Bernard Rousseau Student Resource Fund in Communication Science and Disorders Award

The Bernard Rousseau Student Resource Fund was established in 2020 to provide support for education-related expenses for students in the Department of Communication Science and Disorders, including, but not limited to, books, lab fees and travel. Funds will be administered with a preference for individuals from underrepresented groups within the school.

Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Related Disorders (LEND)

The LEND Center at the University of Pittsburgh is one of 60 LEND programs in every state, the District of Columbia, the United States Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and six Pacific Basin jurisdictions preparing trainees from a wide variety of professional disciplines to assume leadership roles, ensure high levels of interdisciplinary clinical competence, and enhance the ability of clinicians to diagnose, treat, and manage complex disabilities in youth and adolescents.

LEND Leadership Trainees are eligible to earn a stipend.

Schweitzer Fellowship

The Institute for Equity-Centered Leadership (TIECL) is a 16-month leadership development program focused on health equity. Fellows work with and serve marginalized communities to address social determinants of health. Each Equity Fellowship cohort is interdisciplinary and diverse, allowing for students from different backgrounds and fields of study to draw on the collective knowledge and resources of the Equity Fellowship Class.

Other Scholarship and Award Opportunities

ASHA and ASHFoundation Websites

There are also several scholarships and grants sponsored by ASHA and ASHFoundation. For information on any of these opportunities, please click here.


By program

TRanslational Auditory NeuroScience: LAb-based Training for Empowered Self-efficacy

Calling aspiring audiologists for this funded opportunity to study at Pitt!

The University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS) Doctor of Audiology (AuD) program is excited to offer five (5) audiology students each year an opportunity to participate in the TRANSLATES program.

This funded opportunity is for aspiring audiologists with an interest in clinical science. The program will help Pitt audiology students develop research skills to open doors to new opportunities in their future audiology careers. Future career opportunities might include:

  • Partnering in clinical research with academics, manufacturers and/or government agencies
  • Employment in research labs in academia, industry and government
  • Conducting research as part of your clinical position
  • Pursuing research-focused careers


Students who are admitted into Pitt’s Audiology program each fall are eligible to apply to this program! Each year, audiology students will be selected in the spring to start the TRANSLATES program during the summer term. The program will span the second and third year of the AuD curriculum and will complement the standard plan of study.

This research training program offers partial tuition and stipend funding. Students receive a monthly stipend and $9,000 towards tuition in the fall/spring of their second year. They may receive a stipend (no tuition) in year three depending on the lab and their projects or responsibilities.

For questions about TRANSLATES, please reach out to Vice Chair for Clinical Education and Professor Elaine Mormer at emormer@pitt.edu.


Pitt Department of Communication Science and Disorders has a unique combination of internationally-recognized scientific and clinical strengths, active research partnerships with world-class experts in computational modeling, neuroimaging, engineering and data science, and close clinical partnerships with nationally-recognized health care providers. We have a diverse funding portfolio with support from federal sponsors such as NIH, NSF, DoD and non-federal sponsors (e.g., PCORI and foundation grants). Since 2019, we have received 27 federally-funded research awards and one non-federal contract totaling $15,519,435 in new awards.

Our active partnerships and grants enable us to provide hands-on training experiences relevant to each step in the preclinical-to-clinical translation process. We have has significant growth in external funding for predoctoral students and postdoctoral associates (e.g., NIH F31, F32, T32s) since 2019, totaling $469,301.

Research Areas

  • Aphasia
  • Computer-based language rehabilitation
  • Assessment and treatment of communication disorders secondary to hearing loss in pediatric and adult populations
  • Assessment and treatment of hearing disorders in persons with brain injury
  • Hearing loss across the age spectrum
  • Hearing aid satisfaction
  • Impact of swallowing disorders across the lifespan
  • Language processing; psycholinguistics; neurolinguistics
  • Differential diagnosis and treatment measures of amblyaudia; prevalence of auditory processing disorders in children at risk of academic failure
  • Laryngeal and respiratory neuroanatomy; voice and stress psychophysiology; and voice and communication along the gender spectrum

Active Research Labs and Projects




Student Groups

SHRS Affinity Groups
SHRS Student Advisory Board
Student Academy of Audiology
National Student Speech Language Hearing Association
Audiology and Hearing Club
Interprofessional Studies Student Group

CSD Podcast

The Pitt CSD Podcast is a student-run podcast designed to educate clinicians and trainees in CSD (Research Unpacked) and to orient listeners from every walk of life to the rich tapestry of human communication experiences (Lived Communication Experiences).

Research Unpacked

Research Unpacked is designed to bridge the knowledge gap between research and clinical practice in the field of communication science and disorders (CSD). Hosted by CSD PhD students at the University of Pittsburgh, each episode invites expert guests who are researchers to walk our listeners through a peer-reviewed research article of the guest’s choosing. Similar to a journal club, our discussion will discuss the relevant background that informs the present research and review the articles’ hypotheses, methods, results, and discussions. Most importantly, each Research Unpacked episode aims to provide clinicians with a better understanding of the field’s research and evidence-based take-home points that they can implement right away in their clinical practice.

Lived Communication Experiences

Modeled on NPR’s popular Storycorps podcast, the Lived Communication Experiences series features Pitt CSD MA-SLP and AUD students and alumni who help individuals tell their own human communication stories. Those stories might be told by patients living with, recovering from, and accepting their communication and aerodigestive disorders, or by anyone who wants to hold up and celebrate the differences and diversity of communication that are unique to them. If you want to help tell a lived communication experience story, email us at pittcsdpodcast@gmail.com and tell us a little about the story you’d like to tell!

Featured Guests

Research Unpacked

In each Research Unpacked episode, Pitt CSD doctoral and post-doctoral trainees talk with researchers about a manuscript of the guest’s choice, and translate that research for listeners who are trainees and clinicians in CSD.

Latest Episodes

Lived Communication Experiences

The Lived Communication Experiences series features Pitt CSD MA-SLP and AUD students and grads, who help individuals tell their own unique human communication stories.

Latest Episodes


Current Student Hub

Students can find access to program and school materials in the Current Student Resource Hub. Pitt Passport is required.

Current Students can also find answers to commonly asked questions and connect with valuable resources and contacts. This resource helps students locate academic guidance, professional development, or support for each individual’s wellbeing including things like counseling or study resources.