1 year
(3 terms, including 1 summer term)
Flexible plans of study are available.
1 year
(3 terms, including 1 summer term)
Flexible plans of study are available.
Certified PAs will benefit from this post-professional program designed for students to remain in the clinic full-time while earning their degree, so that they can apply their classroom learning to their clinical practice in a meaningful and impactful way. Pitt’s DMSc curriculum is designed to help learners be informed by, and to inform, their current practice as they learn. This design allows for a balanced curriculum that helps working professionals stay on track.
Individualized plans of study will be considered for students that require individualized or personalized plans to meet their academic goals. All students must complete the DMSc degree requirements within eight years of starting their program.
The advantage of this design is to allow learners to remain in their clinical practice full-time, while earning their degree part-time, so they can apply their classroom learning to their clinical practice in a meaningful and impactful way.
Term 1:
Term 2:
Term 3:
Students in the Pitt DMSc will have the option to select from three available courses in a particular area of interest. Each area is designed to teach students specific skills to achieve goals in their capstone projects or provide a better understanding of the content in this area.
Administrative Elective
Graduates who pursue the Administrative Elective are able to:
Academic Elective
Graduates who pursue the Academic Elective are able to:
Digital Health Fundamentals
Graduates who pursue Digital Health Fundamentals will be able to:
Assessments will be competency-based and build off one another to support completion of the Scholarly Practice Capstone Project. Such assessments will include: