Thank you for completing the Performance Assessment of Self-care Skills (PASS) survey. If you have not completed the survey yet please click here and complete the survey before accessing the materials below.

On this page, you will find all the materials you need to learn and administer the PASS, including the Clinic and Home versions of the PASS with administration materials; the Scoring Guidelines (manual); and access to the Administration and Scoring Videos. This web page also includes WeePASS materials. 

You are welcome to use and copy the PASS for clinical and/or academic purposes, but we ask that when you use it, please include the copyright notation on the bottom of each page. If you wish to post the PASS on a clinic or academic intranet, please contact us at for permission to do so.  

If you have questions, please contact us at  

We hope you find the PASS to be a useful tool for your clinical practice, educational instruction and/or scientific projects. 

Joan C. Rogers, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA 
Margo B. Holm, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA 
Denise Chisholm, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

resources and Materials

Click to view or download the materials from the shared SharePoint site.


Individual PASS Items 


The WeePASS is a pediatric assessment based on the PASS adult assessment tool. Three basic activities of daily living (BADL) tasks have been developed to date.

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